Caring for Sterling Silver and 14k Gold Filled Jewelry

All of the Kenda Kist Jewelry collection is made of Sterling Silver or 14k Gold Filled metals. Now, the great thing about our products is that Sterling Silver is a precious metal and Gold Filled (while not a precious metal) will last a lifetime if taken care of properly.
However, metals will tarnish if left out in the open air. Some skin types and lotions you use might tarnish the metal quicker then usual too. Follow our tips below for a great way to keep your jewelry looking fresh and new!
Start with dish soap, warm water and a soft toothbrush. If you are ok with a chemical cleaner Tarn-X is an ideal way to quickly take the tarnish away.
- Use the technique on metal only.
- Don't use the solution on semi-precious stones but Austrian Crystals are fine.
- Use a special container only for the Tarn-X
- Quickly dip in and out of Tarn-X solution.
- Pour the excess back into bottle, the bottle should last you years!
- Rinse very well with soapy warm water and then dry with a paper towel
Sunshine Cloths are also a great option.
After Soapy Rinse and Tarn-X
Storing your jewlery in a small plastic bag helps keep it from tarnishing. Keeping a little out of the bag helps keep it untangled!
Please contact us with any questions or if you would like us to polish your Kenda Kist Jewelry we would be more then happy to do that for you. The polish is on us, you just pay the shipping!